Polymer Industry Round Up (20/07/15 to 25/07/15)

Published on July 27, 2015

Polymer composites are widely used product across the world. These are regarded as product for the future. It has got wide variety based on its application area. The demand is likely to be huge in near future. The basic and one of the crucial property stands with polymer is weightlessness. Its application reduces in manufacturing of vehicle reduced approximately 20-25/Kg of weight thus making it light and comfortable.. At present weight reduction of vehicle is the top notch priority of automobile industry. The major benefit is it helps in enclosing emission, reducing the overall weight and the final increasing the fuel efficiency of vehicle. Application of this category of polymers turns out to be advantageous in many fields. It reduces the CO2 emission from the vehicle, increases the overall strength of the body, eliminates the chances of using paints on the material and increases the chemical resistance and heat tolerance.

The automobile industry has been focusing and working on RnD for this category of products. Poly-Olefins, Poly Propylene composites, engineering plastics and thermoplastic composites are the products more in demand and categorized as future technology.

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