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Indian refineries asked to remain conscious to produce power and gas

Indian oil refiners are drawing up plans to use petroleum coke for power generation and to produce syngas after the government banned use of the heavily polluting fuel in and around New Delhi,The country's top refiner Indian Oil Corp (IOC) and other refiners have invested billions of dollars in recent years to install delayed coker units to produce high-value added products such as gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas.The units produce petcoke as a byproduct, equivalent to 25%–30% of a unit's capacity, which refiners sell to local industries. But after the Supreme Court imposed a ban on petcoke in New Delhi and three surrounding states from last month to fight pollution, refiners are having to rethink what they do with the fuel.The oil ministry has also asked state refiners to consider setting up petcoke gasifiers, a government source said. IOC is evaluating building a 2 MMtpy petcoke gasifier costing USD2.3 B–USD3.1 B at its 300,000-bpd Paradip refinery in eastern India, its chairman said. Gas made from petcoke can be used internally in refineries and at petrochemical plants."Normally petcoke gasifiers are large and capital intensive. A possibility is that we can build one gasifier for two to three refineries," Singh said. IOC operates 11 refineries in India. Reliance Industries, owner of the world's biggest oil refining complex, has set up petcoke gasifiers to produce gas for internal needs using 6.5 MMtpy petcoke produced at its two refineries.